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Western Hemisphere Payments and Securities Settlement Forum
Foro de Liquidación de Pagos y Valores del Hemisferio Occidental


The objective of the Western Hemisphere Payments and Securities Settlement Forum (WHF) is to describe and assess the payments systems of Latin America and Caribbean with a view to identify possible improvement measures in their safety, efficiency and integrity.

The WH evolved from the Western Hemisphere Payment and Securities Clearance and Settlement Initiative (WHI), launched in January 1999 by the World Bank (WB). The WB, in partnership with the Centre for Latin America Monetary Studies (CEMLA), lead the Initiative; which, over the years, developed into a permanent Forum, in June 2003.
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Organizational Arrangements

The details of the current Organizational Arrangements are described in the following documents:

  • Strategy Guidelines for Future WHF Activities - June 2005

  • WHF Status Report - May 2003
    Presented to the Central Bank Governors in Seville, Spain, May 2003.

  • Strategy Guidelines for Future WHF Activities – June 2003

  • The new organizacional structure of the Forum is in the section on the WHF, under "Organization's Structure"


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